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Equal Arms Sculpture Installation
This series of equal-armed wooden crosses invites viewers into the mystery of union. Recycled and exotic wood forms are joined together in an array of styles. Their joinery is the meditation.
Equal Arms Installation
Equal Arms Film, with Sean Wall
St. Mary Magdalene Icon Installation
Acrylic ink and metal leaf on wood. 36 inches. 2018
Commissioned by Sophia Fellowship, this icon of St. Mary Magdalene alludes to Kabbalistic and Gnostic principles of “The Lover” of the Song of Solomon as the Holy Bride of Messiah. The apple orchard—the Pardes—is a potent metaphor in Jewish mysticism of revelations of the Holy Spirit, the feminine counterpart of the Divine whom rabbis call the Shekinah. Sophian oral tradition centers this Judaic principle of the Holy Bride in St. Mary Magdalene, who, with Yeshua the Bridegroom, completes the picture of the Divine Human. It is She who anointed Yeshua with a jar of costly perfume and wiped his feet with her hair (John 12:3). It is She who held vigil at the empty tomb to witness and preach the resurrection. It is She, as immanent wisdom—the Holy Spirit—who reveals Messiah as our inmost soul.
St. Mary Magdalene Icon Film
Asherah Mixed Media Installation
Asherah Installation
Various woods and stained glass. 2009-2017
This multi-phase installation commissioned for the main sanctuary space of Sophia Fellowship began with a humble folk serpent on a cross (John 3:14) of antique cedar. Some years later emerged a design in stained glass of the Burning Bush. Its radial design intends the mazlot—zodiac—of the twelve tribes of Jacob and apostles co-redeeming with Yeshua Messiah. The window frame is crowned with four cherubim. The wings and faces of the lion, eagle, human, and ox form a circle around the central Burning Bush. The altar beneath of olive, cedar, and sassafras reflects the frame of angels above as wrathful seraphim below. The pillar gate bearing Holy Names of the Mercy and Severity of God, completes this matrix, alluding to the pillars of Boaz and Jachin installed by Solomon in the First Temple (1 Kings 7:21). This sanctuary space is the heart of ceremonial life as a community. May all beings be blessed.
Asherah Installing Film, with Sean Wall
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